Past events
- Testing Europe’s resilience in the Covid-19 crisis on 5 and 6 July 2021
- EU legislative affairs: long-term trends and pandemic challenges on 16 June 2021
- Europe’s New Fiscal Union on 2 June 2021
- The adoption of the EU’s Covid recovery plan on 26 May 2021
- Direct Democracy and the European Unification Process on 25 May 2021
- EU taxes and how they can increase citizens support for the European Union on 19 May 2021
- Democratising Europe’s economic government: The T-Dem Proposal of a Transnational Parliamentary Assembly on 12 May 2021
- A Republic of Europe? European democracy after the pandemic on 5 May 2021
- The European ambition: the group of the European People’s Party and European integration on 21 April 2021
- Coordinating Euro area fiscal policy to drive an inclusive recovery on 21 April 2021
- A Democratic Panopticon for the Recovery Fund as a new form of permanent citizen involvement in EU decision-making on 14 April 2021
- European Solidarity in Times of Crisis on 7 April 2021
- Europe Will Be Built Through Crises? Explaining the Variation in the Outcomes of Crises of European Integration on 24 March 2021
- The European Ambition – EPP Group & EUI Live Online Book Launch on 18 March 2021
- DiCE Networking Conference on Brexit on 11 and 12 March 2021
- Foundations of European Politics: A New Approach to Teaching the Politics of Europe on 10 March 2021
- 2020 Annual Conference ‘Europe’s Changing Political System and Issue Space. What Lessons from the 2019 European Elections?’ on 25 and 26 February 2021
- EU Member States’ Positions on Differentiated Integration. What Do Government’s Say They Want? on 24 February 2021
- Testing Europe’s Democratic Legitimacy in the Covid-19 Crisis on 16 February 2021
- When All the Pieces Do Not Fall Into Place. The Design of Regulatory Policy Instruments Across The EU Member States on 10 February 2021
- InDivEU Stakeholder Forum VII | France on 9 February 2021
- InDivEU Stakeholder Forum VI | Spain on 2 February 2021
- InDivEU Stakeholder Forum V | Finland on 28 January 2021
- Higher Education Diplomacy, research seminar on 27 January 2021
- No More Saints and Sinners: Tracing German Preference Formation in the EU’s Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, research seminar on 13 January 2021
- Towards a Segmented European Political Order: The European Union’s Post-crises Conundrum, research seminar on 16 December 2020
- BREXITLAND Identity, Diversity and the Reshaping of British Politics, MPC webinar on 2 December 2020
- Political Entrepreneurs: The Rise of Challenger Parties in Europe, research seminar on 2 December 2020
- What Role for the European Parliament in the COVID-19 Crisis?, webinar on 1 December 2020
- InDivEU Stakeholder Forum IV | Estonia on 25 November 2020
- Political Consequences of the Great Recession – Key Results of the POLCON Project, research seminar on 18 November 2020
- InDivEU Stakeholder Forum III | Netherlands on 5 November 2020
- Postfunctionalism Reversed: Solidarity and Rebordering During the Corona-crisis, research seminar on 4 November 2020
- InDivEU Stakeholder Forum II | Slovakia on 29 October 2020
- Europe’s Cold War Relations. The EC Towards a Global Role, book presentation on 23 October 2020
- Itinera Europea: Four Scenarios and their Plausibility, research seminar on 21 October 2020
- InDivEU Stakeholder Forum | Poland on 19 October 2020
- Differentiated Integration and the Future of Europe: Promises, Pitfalls, Pathways, ACES conference on 30 September 2020
- (1) Failing Forward in Eastern Enlargement (2) EU Identity and the Limits of the Common Security and Defense Policy, EU Studies Group on 30 September 2020
- The Future of EU Unemployment Insurance: An Ethical Perspective, Conversations for the Future of Europe on 17 June 2020
- Integrating Diversity in the European Union, InDivEU project mid-term conference on 11-12 June 2020
- Constitutional Design of the European Union: Getting Rid of the Unanimity Rule, Conversations for the Future of Europe on 3 june 2020
- The Future of Direct Democratic Voting in the EU, Conversations for the Future of Europe on 22 May 2020
- “Whatever it takes”? How to Move Ahead in Post-crisis Europe, Conversations for the Future of Europe on 13 May 2020
- Addressing the European Solidarity Crisis through Education, Conversations for the Future of Europe on 14 April 2020
- A Differentiated Europe Facing Brexit – What Can We Learn from ‘the Norway Model’?, presentation on 24 February 2020
- The Future of Inequality in Europe, Conversations for the Future of Europe on 11 February 2020
- Eastern Europe 30 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall, conference on 8 November 2019
- The MFF and EU Policies 2021-2027: The EU towards 2030, workshop on 17 October 2019
- The State of the Union after the Juncker Years, EUI in Brussels event on 10 October 2019
- Europe in the New World (Dis)order, lecture on 5 September 2019
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 5. Differentiated Integration, discussion on 4 June 2019
- ECPR 50th Anniversary: European Political Science at 50, workshop on 3-4 June 2019
- Bordering Europe, workshop on 30 May 2019
- The most contested European elections ever? A read-out of the 2019 vote for the European Parliament, roundtable on 29 May 2019
- The Effects of Multilevel Governance, conference on 23-24 May 2019
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 4. The Future of Social Policy: Can Social Investment provide the basis for a European Social Union?, discussion on 30 April 2019
- Differentiated Integration as a Fair Scheme of Cooperation, workshop on 15 March 2019
- Recasting the Welfare State 20 Years Later, conference on 14-15 March 2019
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 3. The Future of European Monetary Union, discussion on 5 March 2019
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 2. Free Movement and Social Rights Conditionality, discussion on 19 February 2019
- Germany and European (Dis?)Integration, book launch on 1 February 2019
- Democratic Backsliding and Public Administration, Workshop on 31 January 2019
- Integrating Diversity in the European Union, Kick-off meeting Project InDivEU on 24 January 2019
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 1. The Future of Refugee Policy and Burden-Sharing in Europe, discussion on 15 January 2019
- Europeanization Revisited: Central and Eastern Europe in the European Union, an Ebook presentation on 30 November 2018
- What Scenarios for Italy and the Eurozone?, а roundtable on the current political crisis in Italy and the Eurozone on 6 June 2018
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 4. What would a good Brexit be like?, discussion on 5 June 2018
- Re-engaging Grand Theory: European Integration in the 21st Century, conference held at the EUI on 31 May – 1 June 2018
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 3. Why and how must the physical protection of European citizens be enhanced?, discussion on 29 May 2018
- NORFACE Welfare State Futures Programme Final Conference, conference held at the EUI on 24-25 May 2018
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 2. How can European institutions and their decisions acquire greater legitimacy in the citizens’ eyes?, discussion on 22 May 2018
- Conversations for the Future of Europe: 1. What is the next step for the social protection of European citizens?, discussion on 15 May 2018
- 2017: Europe’s Bumper Year of Elections, EGPP launch conference held at the EUI on 8-9 March 2018
- The Referendum Challenge to the European Union, conference held at the EUI on 25-26 January 2018