The EGPP hosts a Seminar Series fortnightly on Wednesdays at 12:30-2.00pm. The EGPP Seminar Series covers the following types of seminars:
- Research Seminars;
- Book Presentations;
- Seminars of the European Union Studies Working Group;
- Conversations for the Future of Europe.
The calendar of the EGPP Seminar Series of the 2021-2022 academic year can be found here, and of the 2020-2021 academic year here.

September 28, 2022
EGPP Seminar Series: Roundtable
The results of the Italian elections and the implications for Europe
Speakers: Catherine Fieschi, Jonathan Hopkin, Silvia Merler, Davide Vampa
Moderator: Marco Valbruzzi
October 19, 2022
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
A brotherhood of nations – national and international fraternities during the 1848 revolutions
Speaker: Arthur Duhé
October 26, 2022
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
Affective polarization and negative voting in comparative perspective
Speaker: Diego Garzia
November 9, 2022
EGPP Seminar Series: EU Studies Working Group Seminar
30 years on: revisiting the European bargain
Speakers: Johanna Breuer and Luuk Schmitz
November 16, 2022
EGPP Seminar Series: research seminar
Political leadership, ‘social traps’, and crisis management: quality of government and a tale of two crises in Greece
Speaker: Christos Paraskevopoulos
November 23, 2022
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
Authoritarian predispositions and the affect-driven spread of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines on social media
Speaker: Julia Schulte-Cloos
December 7, 2022
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
EU mobilisation and party support: an analysis of EU issue voting in the European countries.
Speaker: Nicolò Conti
January 25, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
One size fits none: why does the ECB care about the euro area’s diversity?
Speaker: Waltraud Schelkle
February 8, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
A new 30 years war? Cultural political economy and crisis in Europe
Speaker: Josef Hien
February 22, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Book Presentation
Myopic democracy and the lost future
Speaker: Jan Zielonka
March 8, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
Ideology, party system institutionalization, and redistribution in post-communist Europe
Speakers: Ana Petrova and Bilyana Petrova
March 22, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
Politicians’ Perceptions of Public Opinion. A Research Program
Speaker: Stefaan Walgrave

April 19, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
Political groups in the European Parliament: sources and research questions on the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) Group
Speakers: Luciano Bardi and Jacopo Cellini
April 26, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Conversations for the Future of Europe
The Way Forward for AU-EU Partnership on Migration and Mobility
Speaker: Mehari Maru
Discussants: Lenka Drazanova and Fabien Lutz
May 10, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Conversations for the Future of Europe
Towards a European Defence Community 2.0
Speaker: Oreste Foppiani
Discussants: Silvia D’Amato and Jan Zielonka
May 17, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Conversations for the Future of Europe
How can media pluralism and quality be guaranteed in the algorithmic society?
Speaker: Elda Brogi
Discussants: Karolina Leakovic and Jan Erik Kermer
June 7, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Book Presentation
The EU’s response to Brexit: united and effective
Speakers: Brigid Laffan and Stefan Telle
Discussants: Kalipso Nicolaïdis and Hanspeter Kriesi
June 14, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Special event
Turkey after the Presidential Elections: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications
Chair: Veronica Anghel
Speaker: Lisel Hintz
June 21, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
What if EU mobility becomes EU emigration? Actor preferences and policies on emigration in Southern and Eastern Europe
Speaker: Christof Roos
June 23, 2023 – special timing: 11-12.30
EGPP Seminar Series: Research Seminar
The Train Wrecks of Modernization: Railway Construction and Separatist Mobilization in Europe
Speaker: Lars-Erik Cederman
June 28, 2023
EGPP Seminar Series: Book Presentation
Social Europe, the road not taken. The left and European integration in the long 1970s
Speaker: Aurélie Dianara Andry
The EGPP hosts an Annual Conference that focuses on a crucial theme for the European Union. Twice annually Dialogues are held jointly with the European Parliament Research Services (EPRS) to bring together academics and policy makers.
Aside from these regular events, EGPP holds workshops, debates and conferences organised within the various projects and covering the topics specific to their research.
November 24-25, 2022
Differentiation: Clustering Excellence (DiCE) project conference
Ukraine, Europe and Differentiated Integration
Organisers: Brigid Laffan, Nicoletta Pirozzi, John Erik Fossum and Lorenzo Cicchi
January 20, 2023
EUI-YouGov ‘Solidarity in Europe’ (SiE) project, with support from ERC project ‘Solid’
Annual Data Dissemination Conference
Organisers: Anton Hemerijck, Dietlind Stolle, Philipp Genschel, Lorenzo Cicchi and Luís Russo
May 24-26, 2023
Ernst B. Haas Chair Conference
Community and Governance beyond the Nation-State: an International Conference on the Legacy of Ernst B. Haas
Organiser: Daniele Caramani
More information about the Special Issue on the legacy of Ernst B. Haas can be found here.
May 30-31, 2023
EGPP Annual Conference 2023
Multi-Dimensional Crises and their Impact on European Politics (part I)
Organiser: Daniele Caramani
Explore our calendar of events here.