Opinions/Media Coverage
- Brigid Laffan interviewed by Euronews on how Brexit has changed Europe
(23 June 2021) Interview with Brigid Laffan for Euronews
- Brexit and the Irish Border
(11 April 2021) Interview with Brigid Laffan for Al Jazeera
- After Brexit ‘Divorce’, UK-EU Carbon Market Linkage will Take Time
(20 January 2021) Interview with Simone Borghesi released in the online newspaper “Carbon Pulse”
- Brexit has Enabled the EU to Reveal its Essential Essence
(12 January 2021) Op-ed by Brigid Laffan, published on the Irish Times
- What World is Brexit Being Launched Into?
(10 December 2020) Interview with Brigid Laffan, published in the Financial Times (paywall)
- Sovereignty cuts both ways, Downing Street has forgotten that
(12 September 2020) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on the LSE Blogs
- What would it take to undo Brexit?
(5 August 2020) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on ‘Bridging the English Channel’, a blog by Ideas on Europe
- Which Way is Boris Johnson Sliding?
(3 June 2020) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- Britain’s Zen Approach to Dealing with Brussels
(20 March 2020) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- A Scottish Independence vote: a win-win for Johnson
(17 December 2019) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- The UK and the EU Should Prevent Mutual Assured Damage
(2 December 2019) Oped by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa Schioppa chair of the on Project Syndicate
- Will Boris Johnson get the Brexit deal he wants?
(15 October 2019) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- A parliamentary majority without a policy and a government policy without a majority
(27 September 2019) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- What do we need: a general election or second referendum?
(18 September 2019) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- Another ‘who governs’ election with no answer?
(12 September 2019) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- Confronting the EU’s New Realities
(08 April 2019) Interview with Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published by E!Sharp
- Why Ireland’s resolve must hold
(07 Fenruary 2019) Oped by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on LSE Blogs
- The EU Needs a Brexit Endgame
(31 January 2019) Oped by Jean Pisani-Ferry, Tommaso Padoa Schioppa chair of the on Project Syndicate
- The Legitimacy of the Brexit Referendum and What We Can Learn from It
(24 January 2019) Blog post on Social Europe by Sandra Kröger, RSC Fellow
- No Brexit-deal could mean border checks move to France or Netherlands
(23 January 2019) Participation of Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, at Morning Ireland on RTE Radio1
- ‘Brexit is extremely damaging to British-Irish relations’, conference told
(19 January 2019) Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, quoted in an article published on The Irish Examiner
- How the UK can overcome its Brexit impasse
(17 January 2019) Oped by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on The Irish Times
- May pushes for consensus on Brexit Plan B
(17 January 2019) Participation of Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, at Morning Ireland on RTE Radio1
- What could the question be in a second referendum?
(26 November 2018) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- Brexit negotiations at a ‘critical moment’ May says
(23 November 2018) Participation of Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, at Morning Ireland on RTE Radio1
- Brexiters, Ireland won’t be tricked by your mendacity over the border issue
(23 November 2018) Op-ed written by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre and published on The Guardian
- From slogan politics to agreement: May’s conversion on road to Brexit
(20 November 2018) Op-ed written by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre and published on The Irish Times
- What happens next in the Brexit process?
(15 November 2018) Participation of Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, at Morning Ireland on RTE Radio1
- EU and Theresa May share the same goal: self protection
(28 September 2018) Blog post by Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- The UK: a country ill at ease with itself and its neighbours
(15 September 2018) Blog post by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on The Detail
- A second Brexit referendum could be for the best: look at Ireland and Lisbon
(12 September 2018) Op-ed by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on The Guardian
- MPs not opinion polls will decide whether there will be a second referendum
(11 September 2018) Blog post by Prof Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on Political Studies Association Blog
- Would parliament vote for a second referendum?
(2 August 2018) Blog post by Prof Richard Rose, EGPP Programme Associate, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- Eight months to go: will the European Parliament consent to Brexit?
(20 July 2018) Blog post by Dr Nicola Chelotti, Dr Edoardo Bressanelli and Dr Wilhelm Lehmann, Visiting Fellow at the Schuman Centre, published on The UK in a Changing Europe
- Brexit analysis: a view from Brussels as Westminster faces decision time
(12 July 2018) Blog post by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on The Detail
- Theresa May is trying to stay afloat on Brexit, but she keeps finding herself in a hole
(15 May 2018) Blog post by Richard Rose, Robert Schuman Centre and EGPP Programme Associate, published on The Telegraph Opinion online
- What’s the Irish view on the Brexit border dispute? Difficult discussions lie ahead
(8 December 2017) Op-ed by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on The Guardian
- Brexiters, Ireland won’t be tricked by your mendacity over the border issue
(23 November 2017) Op-ed by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on The Guardian
- The Irish border bites back
(21 November 2017) Blog post by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, on the UK in a Changing Europe website
- ‘Negotiating Brexit’ conference. Panel 3: Ireland, the UK, Spain and Greece
(20 October 2017) Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, talks about the Irish Border
- British Prime Minister Theresa May to make keynote Brexit speech in Florence
(22 September 2017) Participation of Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, before Theresa May’s Florence speech, at Morning Ireland on RTE Radio1
- Brigid Laffan: “Soldi all’Unione e diritti degli europei, se May tace su questi temi ha le mani legate”
(21 September 2017) Interview with Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre and published on La Repubblica (in italian)
- Ireland may have to sacrifice sacred cows to survive Brexit
(16 May 2017) Op-ed written by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre and published on The Irish Times
- Dear Theresa May: if you want partnership, there’s nothing better than EU membership
(18 January 2017) Op-ed written by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre and published on The Conversation Global
- Dura Brexit, sed Brexit
(18 January 2017) Interview to Brigid Laffan after Theresa May’s speech published on L’Indro (in Italian)
- A colour guide for negotiating Brexit
(12 December 2016) Blog entry by Richard Rose, Robert Schuman Centre and EGPP Programme Associate, first published by the ESRC’s UK in a Changing Europe Programme
- Beyond Brexit: Scotland could be given a special status on immigration
(15 November 2016) Op-ed written by Jo Shaw, EUDO Citizenship Programme co-director, University of Edinburgh, and published also on The Herald Scotland
- EU Membership Must Matter
(14 November 2016) Op-ed by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre published on Euractiv
- After Brexit, What Should the European Union Do?
(October 2016) Article written by Paolo Ponzano and published on ‘The Federalist Debate’, Number 3
- Brexit and citizenship
(12 August 2016) Article by Jelena Dzankic, Research Fellow at the EUDO Citizenship Programme, published on the New Europeans website
- ‘After Brexit: What next for EU-China Relations?’
(20 July 2016) Op-ed published on Chatham House’s Medium account by Richard Maher, Research Fellow at the Global Governance Programme
- Brexit: Our interdependent world needs cooperative, international politics
(5 July 2016) Op-ed by Miguel José Maduro, Robert Schuman Centre, published on Euractiv
- Nazionalismo e protezionismo non sono la risposta alla globalizzazione
(1 July 2016) Op-ed by Miguel José Madur, Robert Schuman Centre, published on Il Sole 24 Ore
- The Impact of Brexit on Climate Policy: The EU and the Paris Agreement
(4 July 2016) Article by Claudio Marcantonini, Deputy Director of the Florence School of Regulation
- Brigid Laffan: In defence of the European Union
(2 July 2016) Opinion piece by Brigid Laffan, Director of the Schuman Centre, published on the Irish Times
- Brexit has locked us millennials out of the union we voted for
(26 June 2016) Article by Nicholas Barrett, Project Associate at the Florence School of Regulation, published on the Financial Times
- Brexit: a ‘Leap in the Dark’ for both the UK and the European Union
(13 June 2016) Press release
Online Debates, Talks and Presentations
- Schuman Shelf #19: The EU’s Response to Brexit: United and Effective
In this short video, published on 23 June 2023, the authors of ‘EU’s Response to Brexit: United and Effective’ Brigid Laffan and Stefan Telle answer what their book is about, the reasons they wrote it, and the more important message in it.
- The EU’s response to Brexit: United and effective
Video recording of a presentation by Brigid Laffan and Stefan Telle of their recently released book on how the EU responded to Brexit at the Schuman Centre on 7 June 2023.
- The EU and the UK: Where do we go after the Russia-Ukraine war?
A video recording of a presentation by Ivan Rogers, former UK Permanent Representative to the EU, on the potential consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war for both the EU and UK at the Schuman Centre on 9 June 2022.
- Lessons from Brexit
Video recording of a lecture by Anand Menon, Director of the thinktank ‘UK in a Changing Europe’, at the Schuman Centre on 3 March 2022
- DiCE Networking conference on Brexit
Video recording of the DiCE project networking conference on Brexit at the Schuman Centre on 11-12 March 2021
- Schuman Shorts #25: Brexit and the Irish border
In this Schuman Short, published on 31 January 2020, Brigid Laffan discusses issues surrounding the new Irish border between the UK and the EU.
- The EU’s Response to Brexit: Rapid, United and Effective
Video recording of the Yves Mény Annual Lecture at the Schuman Centre by Brigid Laffan on 30 September 2020
- Schuman Shorts #23: Salience in the Brexit Negotiations
In this Schuman Short, published on 19 December 2019, David Moloney, research associate at the EGPP, discusses the meaning and importance of salience in Brexit and post-Brexit negotiations.
- The Drivers of the Brexit Vote: What we know so far (4 December 2017)
Video recording of the presentation ‘The Drivers of the Brexit Vote: What we know so far’, by Matthew Goodwin during a workshop organised by the Migration Policy Centre on 4 December 2017
- Workshop on Brexit (4 November 2016)
Video recording of a debate that took place at the European University Institute on 4 November, organised in collaboration with the ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ initiative by the UK Economic and Social Research Council.
- Forum on Brexit (28 June 2016)
Video recording of a debate that took place at the European University Institute with Brigid Laffan, Gary Marks and Liesbet Hooghe
- ‘After Brexit: what next for the EMU, UK and the EU?’ (1 July 2016)
Online debate with former vice-president of the European Commission Joaquín Almunia and academics form the ADEMU project
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