Focus on EU and Covid-19

The Covid-19 crisis has challenged the European Union (EU) and its member states. Political leaders have made contested decisions that restrain civil liberties. The EU and European governments have been pressured internally and externally to prove that they are capable to address the multifaceted crisis situation ensuing from the global pandemic. Leaders of the EU have established a historic recovery and resilience fund to help the economies of member states; however, the crisis has also highlighted existing challenges for resilient democratic institutions and deepened cleavages within the EU regarding, for example, questions of democratic norms and the rule of law.

EU and Covid-19 Research Fellow: Anja Thomas,

Projects and publications

The European Governance and Politics Programme at the Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies hosts a cluster of projects dealing with Europe and the EU in the Covid-19 crisis.


  • Borbáth, Endre, Sophie Hunger, Swen Hutter and Ioana-Elena Oana (2021), “Civic and Political Engagement during the Multifaceted COVID-19 Crisis”, Swiss Political Science Review 
  • Volpi, Elisa, Lorenzo Cicchi and Tobias Widmann (forthcoming), “Pandemic frames: How is the European Union narrated by Italian (populist) parties during Covid-19’s first wave in Italy”, in Calossi, Enrico and Paola Imperatore (eds.), Populism in Contemporary Italian Parties: Actors and Processes in Times of Crisis, Pisa University Press.

Conferences and seminars

Opinions/media coverage