Political Consequences of the Great Recession – Key Results of the POLCON Project • Hanspeter Kriesi

18th November 2020 @ 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

A Research Seminar organised in the framework of the European Governance & Politics Programme Seminar Series.

Abstract: The POLCON project has analysed the political consequences of the Great Recession in terms of protest mobilisations and electoral outcomes. It has put the crisis experience into the context of long-term processes of political restructuring. The key results of the project show that the impact of the crisis vary from one European region to the other. In northwestern Europe, the great economic crisis did not change very much in terms of political structuring: continuity of long-term structural change prevails. In Central and Eastern Europe, the economic crisis intervened in a chronic political crisis and contributed to the consolidation of still rather volatile political structures. It is in Southern Europe that the economic crisis led to a political crisis that, driven by the radical left, induced a profound transformation of the political party systems.

Speaker: Prof. Hanspeter Kriesi

ChairProf. Daniele Caramani

The Zoom link and password will be circulated to registered participants on the day of the event.